197 closely interlinked with those of the West, the most urgent step would be to direct its wealth, in terms of economy and politics, to the growth of poor countries but rich in resources and humanity; it is the first approach for a sustainable economic de- velopment of the countries of emigration. The universal Church, not only Catholic, branched out in the countries of Central Africa could rather encourage the faithful to stay there, use its influence on local powers to make better use of their abun- dant resources and the contributions of the European Union by trying to save the unity of families by sparing affliction and moral unrest caused by indiscriminate emigration. Let's help them at home by putting pressure on politics in the broad sense, on the so called strong powers, the Think tanks and international bodies, on international and local economic levers, through well targeted media campaigns. Unfortunately, the media are focusing on news that have an effect on emotions that are not very constructive. The aspects of the traffickers of men, drugs, weapons, and all sorts of malpractice, respect for borders, are a matter for the police and political will that should not be confused with the reception. Moreover, have you calculated how many migrants would be entitled to asylum under international conventions? The policy of open doors is an incentive for more than a billion young Africans in addition to Asians to pursue the dream of a Europe of five hundred million older and richer inhabitants; but for how long? As a Christian I am grateful to Corriere Della Sera for having published a statement by the Secretary General of the League of Islamic Countries in the World -56 countries - published on 8 July that should make us reflect: "We have a proposal for Italy, on integration; we must understand the background of these peo- ple. And we can work together. Italy suf- fers more than other countries. We want to support your government 360 degrees; we have a world organization to do it and money to offer you. It is money that co- mes directly from the funds of the World Muslim League". I wonder why you don't propose to welcome them in the rich Arab countries so in need of labour." As a Chri- stian neither the Gospel nor my conscien- ce advise me an indiscriminate welcome.