

ROTARY – 1/12 – 2014

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RC Milan South-East

It is indispensable to ask the Arab world to work on education, on the media, on textbooks in schools and even to invite to this line of education and peace, the imams and preachers who have in their hands the formidable instrument of sermons in mosques, where it would be appropriate to proclaim also the verses of the Koran that underline God’s will towards religious plurality and the commitment to compete for good in God’s mercy.

Free web translation from the original in Italian

The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.

Giuseppe Samir Eid






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