6-1994 – Italian Tourist Press Group
Congress: M.O. which tourism – Analysis of a geopolitical reality and the role of information
Mediterranean and demographic imbalance
The evolution of the demographic situation on the two shores of the Mediterranean follows two different trends: immediately after the Second World War the population on the northern shore of the Mediterranean basin was about twice that of the southern basin, North Africa and the Middle East; today, after 50 years, the proportion has become 1: 1. Demographic development, accompanied by a widening gap in terms of economic development, exposes the wealthier and older Western population to a “peaceful” invasion by of peoples very distant culturally with different customs, traditions and traditions, raised in countries that do not separate religion from the state system and where freedom of religious choice is not allowed to remain personal. It is expected that the trend of the imbalance between the two geographical areas will tend to assume dramatic characteristics in the near future. The West’s temptation would be to raise a wall to protect it from invasion and to give up thinking of a common universal destiny in the name of peace and justice. The demographic increase in the developing world combined with the rapidity of communications allows peoples, even the most distant from each other, to weave relationships at all levels of human action.