025 - Iraq, not only oil-II


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It is not Utopia.

A Christian Arab writes about Iraq. His name is Giuseppe Samir Eid and he is the author of essays on the relationship between Christianity, Judaism and Islam. To the analysis he sent us, he gave the title: “Iraq: not just oil”. This is an appropriate title, because the bet on the future of the country of the Tigris and Euphrates goes far beyond material wealth; it is a project of free and peaceful coexistence between peoples and religions. And precisely from Iraq this future can be born and restore hope also to the Holy Land and Lebanon and to the tormented Middle East. “It’s not a utopia,” concludes Samir Eid’s analysis. Read for yourself.


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Original contributions

Aug-Sept-Oct 2004

Islamic terrorism and prevention: a challenge

Giuseppe Samir EID (R.C. MILAN SOUTH-EAST)

I read with interest the scenario described by Farotti in the May 5 Issue.

I would like to offer my contribution on some aspects of prevention just touched upon by the Author, but which help to complete the understanding of the phenomenon.

In the last forty years there has been a very strong demographic growth in Muslim societies, which has led to more than a doubling of the population. This has happened in geographical areas which, with the exception of a small privileged minority, are characterized by a very low economic level compared to that of the West, causing waves of migration towards Europe.


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030 - In the name of God: peace or war?

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Realta’ Nuova No. 5 September/October-November/December 2004

We all know that in the word Islam there is the root of the word peace and we remember how Jesus presented to his people the first mission entrusted to them: “Whichever house you enter, say first of all: peace in this house”. The word peace in the Koran is one of the ninety-nine most beautiful names of God.

“Al salam aleikom”: peace be with you. “wa aleikum el salam wa rahmat ilah wa barakat”: and with you be peace, God’s mercy and His blessing, a term used several times in the day by any Arab. A wish for peace that is part of the daily rhythm of life in the Arab world. An obligatory wish in relations between Muslims, but if it comes from and with a Christian to a Muslim, the whole phrase of peace is often not reciprocated, from Muslim to Christian.


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035 - Christians and Muslims: Comparison of cultures in theory and practice

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Meeting of civilization-Bari – 1/05 – 2006

In five years the number of immigrants in Italy has risen from one to three million, a third of whom are Muslims: to what extent is immigration sustainable? There are difficulties for Arab Muslims to integrate into the West. In order to understand the existing problems, it is necessary to take a step back on the contrasts existing in the realities between the Middle Eastern Arab world, the political situation, and the reasons for hostility, the desire of Islam for revenge and conquest.

The Arab World: contrasts between south and north of the Mediterranean (-1/3)

  • Inequalities between North and South of the Mediterranean: there are driving forces of emigration, escape from the villages
  • Starting from Egypt one can express and condense the great problems of the Arab world: Population growth -> economic backwardness -> cultural underdevelopment (schools, teaching system- little reflection and critical sense) -> political underdevelopment -> fundamentalism…
  • Absence of stable social fabric in cities leads to emigrations.


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