9 – 2008
This year, 2008, the month of September coincides almost entirely with the most sacred time of year for Muslims, a month in which those who profess and practice that religion purify their feelings with fasting (from dawn to dusk) and a benevolent approach to the next.
For us Christians it could be a good time to get to know each other better. Mutual knowledge with respect for the other without the usual prejudices would be the premise for a fruitful coexistence, a positive seed for the new generations to sprout. The Muslim family can invite its neighbor at the hour of the break of fasting (at dusk), to dine together enjoying dishes with traditional recipes, to be known and explain the traditions of their country. On the other hand, the neighbor can take the opportunity to make known the Italian culture to overcome prejudices sometimes not only religious but also of customs and traditions.
For a deeper mutual understanding, women have a role of primary importance: their contacts in everyday life can be the first step towards a real dialogue, concept, perhaps, too inflated but much needed.