R040 - Comments: Sharia, Ramadan, social and political instability

Corriere forum – 16/10/2006

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A forum of free and civil confrontation on the most debated issues in Italy that looks at the plural and globalized world: immigration, Islam, dialogue between civilizations, national identity, human rights.

Monday 16 Oct 2006

Is the Islamic consultative first step towards the sharia in Italy? Does it consult it, the first step towards the Sharia in Italy?

A Muslim friend of mine moved from an Arab country to the state of Ontario in Canada to escape from the discrimination inherent in Sharia law against women. Unfortunately, in Ontario there is a proposal for a law that allows the application of sharia law to the problems of families, so my friend in Canada has passed from the pan to the grill thanks to the local consults. The President of UCOII, the doctor Dr. Nour, having declared on TV to the Turkish Minister that Italian laws are (should) slowly approaching the sharia, will there be the intention to exploit the Italian consultative as an attempt to take a first step towards the introduction of sharia in Italy?


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R046 - Mosques, minarets, centres for religious worship

Corriere – 10/09 – 2016

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Dear Dr. Goffredo Buccini:

I fully agree with the article in today’s Corriere on Friday, February 19, 2016. Allow me to add some comments that you, if you agree, could elaborate in the correct way.

1- It is right to allow the construction of unique prayer rooms for all Islamic currents. Not an exclusive for a specific current.

2 – Islam and Muslims are not the same thing: the practice in Morocco is not similar to that of Lebanon (Syria! ) nor to that of the Gulf countries, Pakistan and Asian countries. To demand a single representation for all Muslims seems to me difficult and even counterproductive. Promoting those who accept our constitutional rules and checking for digressions.

3 – The only representation for all means to allow the strongest current, the Muslim Brotherhood, to condition women and men who do not adhere to suffer discrimination that they would have liked to avoid coming to Italy.

4 – The financing of the worship center should exclude that coming from countries that have rejected the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The person who finances has the power over the management and the line of conduct. If the land is granted free of charge by a municipality, it would be appropriate for one of its representatives to sit on the management board.


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R051 - Dialogue with Islam

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This is an issue that is often discussed. I would not like to create a confessional state; I would rather talk about dialogue with citizens without differentiating religious adherence.  The dangers of wanting to identify “one Islam” representing a million Muslims are obvious and have already been pointed out in the Corriere.

  1. Why create ghettos for Muslims and thus discriminate against non-Muslims?
  2. Why want to create an Islamic institution? Does the secular state renounce its prerogatives towards its citizens?
  3. Many Muslims have chosen Italy for its non-discriminatory laws and its way of life: why disappoint them by recreating a social model from which they fled?
  4. With what logic would the state or the municipalities want to finance centres of worship for Muslims with the money of all citizens? At least that the centre remains the property of the institution with the right of control in management.
  5. Muslims don’t mean Arabic: why not favour the management of Italian centres? Monitor foreign preachers?

I ask you instead a question to which I cannot give an answer:

20 or 30 years ago, the European citizen did not know of the existence of Islam, if not vaguely. In the last thirty years, Islam (Muslims and, in their wake, in various centres) has been established in Europe, helped in this by certain of our political forces for reasons that I do not know.

Some local voices have warned against the contrast of cultures that could arise from the arrival of millions of people with customs and traditions clearly in conflict with European legislation, not least, Cardinal Martini in 1990, Us and Islam.

Giuseppe Samir Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian

The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.

R052 - Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR) and the Vatican

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2013 Vatican, IOR and Pope separate functions?

The separation between the Vatican State and the universal Church could open the way to eliminate the interweaving between the Vatican State and the universal Church.

Spirituality and an earthly Vatican that descends into materiality like any other State.

Separating Peter’s legacy from the management of the State and the powers of Finance seems utopian, but it is not.


Giuseppe Samir Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian

The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.