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Dear dr.Serageldin:
During your speech at the university of Geneva you encouraged native Egyptians to contribute with their works to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The mission of the Bibliotheca, you stated, is dedicated to recapture the spirit of openness and scholarship bringing the Mediterranean Together for a free circulation of ideas and enrichment of the culture. Your impressive international professional history gave me the final impulse to do so.

Offer of books
From that perspective, as a contribution to create a cultural bridge over the two sides of the Mediterranean, I offered two of my books; Offer accepted on April 23, 2009, with many thanks.
Only one book however has been acknowledged “L’Islam: Storia, Fede, Cultura. Editrice la Scuola di Brescia,1996” a leading publishing house in Italy for scholars, I received a nice thank letter.


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01 – 2011

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Commento su Ali
Condanna la strage dei cristiani in Egitto
Avrei alcune considerazioni da fare sulle modalità della “difesa dei cristiani” da parte dell’Occidente; è un tema fuorviante e controproducente che fa sembrare che i cristiani indigeni siano accomunati a cittadini stranieri nel proprio paese; questo NO. Per quanto riguarda i Cristiani sotto attacco nel mondo islamico:Il problema è politico e va affrontato come tale.
Ho letto di varie proposte riguardo ai cospicui finanziamenti della UE, e propongo ai nostri governanti di avere il coraggio di subordinarli all’attuazione di maggiore libertà civile, religiosa e sicurezza nel paese beneficiario; promuovere una società che abbia un profondo senso di fiducia nei valori religiosi e umani, sia caratterizzata da un reciproco rispetto di tutti i suoi componenti con uguali diritti e doveri, che l’appartenenza religiosa non sia una discriminante tra i suoi cittadini.
Condivido l’idea che l’Occidente inizi a concedere crediti a certe condizioni che possono spaziare dallo scambio tecnologico alla cultura, ma anche di subordinare finanziamenti e protocolli internazionali in corso di stipula a certi criteri culturali e di reciprocità.


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R016 - Moderate Muslims must deny violence


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That’s a brave article that highlights the ignorance of many people who make statements that ignite people simply on the hearsay or without deepening their thoughts that are based on the headlines. Some may want to shield themselves from any pretext to stand as the holder of the truth.

It would be interesting to know the reactions of the Arab media to the rejection of the religious motivation for violence. I hope that Magdi Allam’s concerns will not come true.

I propose to give prominence in the Corriere to these reactions by Muslim intellectuals who make audience:

“And I am alarmed to find that even the so-called moderate Muslims have given up their wisdom and have aligned themselves with the “holy war” of which they will be the main victims”.


Giuseppe Samir Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian


The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator