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Dear dr.Serageldin:
During your speech at the university of Geneva you encouraged native Egyptians to contribute with their works to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The mission of the Bibliotheca, you stated, is dedicated to recapture the spirit of openness and scholarship bringing the Mediterranean Together for a free circulation of ideas and enrichment of the culture. Your impressive international professional history gave me the final impulse to do so.

Offer of books
From that perspective, as a contribution to create a cultural bridge over the two sides of the Mediterranean, I offered two of my books; Offer accepted on April 23, 2009, with many thanks.
Only one book however has been acknowledged “L’Islam: Storia, Fede, Cultura. Editrice la Scuola di Brescia,1996” a leading publishing house in Italy for scholars, I received a nice thank letter.


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01 – 2011

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Commento su Ali
Condanna la strage dei cristiani in Egitto
Avrei alcune considerazioni da fare sulle modalità della “difesa dei cristiani” da parte dell’Occidente; è un tema fuorviante e controproducente che fa sembrare che i cristiani indigeni siano accomunati a cittadini stranieri nel proprio paese; questo NO. Per quanto riguarda i Cristiani sotto attacco nel mondo islamico:Il problema è politico e va affrontato come tale.
Ho letto di varie proposte riguardo ai cospicui finanziamenti della UE, e propongo ai nostri governanti di avere il coraggio di subordinarli all’attuazione di maggiore libertà civile, religiosa e sicurezza nel paese beneficiario; promuovere una società che abbia un profondo senso di fiducia nei valori religiosi e umani, sia caratterizzata da un reciproco rispetto di tutti i suoi componenti con uguali diritti e doveri, che l’appartenenza religiosa non sia una discriminante tra i suoi cittadini.
Condivido l’idea che l’Occidente inizi a concedere crediti a certe condizioni che possono spaziare dallo scambio tecnologico alla cultura, ma anche di subordinare finanziamenti e protocolli internazionali in corso di stipula a certi criteri culturali e di reciprocità.


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FROM: Giuseppe Eid

SENT: Saturday, October 13, 2012

SUBJECT: Coptic Exodus

It is completely true and even an understatement of the raw reality seen by those who know Egypt and its villages. I’m sorry to hear about moderate Islam which is “nonsense”. Our Arab priests call the dialogue that has taken place in Egypt since the 1940s a “café concert”. The foundation for true dialogue in Italy begins with daily conviviality, while in Egypt it is necessary to reform all scholastic material and sermons, as well as those who finance them.

  • There is a common front of 56 OSI Islamic states where freedom of conscience does not exist, and the community’s right prevails over a person’s dignity. The West should actively take note of this. Fine declarations must be followed by incisive actions in the educational field both in the West and, above all, in the Arab world: ask European politicians to demand the monitoring of educational material in Arab countries so that incitement to violence would make room for mutual respect.
  • It is essential to work on education, on textbooks in schools, and on the media, and even to invite the imams who have in their hands the formidable instrument of preaching in mosques to collaborate in this educational line of justice and peace, where it would be appropriate to proclaim also the verses of the Koran that underline God’s will towards religious plurality and the commitment to compete for good in God’s Mercy.
  • I recall a statement by Baronessa Ashton, High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the EU: “We must not fall into the trap that extremists and terrorists are setting for us”, “We must resist those who would like to make religion a cause for division. The best response to extremism is to create a united international front based on universal standards of freedom of belief and religion.” “The European Union will not look away.”
  • How do we move from theory to practice? By awakening of our consciences and showing dignity.



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


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17 August 2013

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Following the uproar caused in some circles by the Pope’s good wishes at the end of the fast described by the Koran, I believe that globalization and Muslim immigration have created close contact
with other civilizations and have made us aware of the basic identity and values on which our civilization has developed but to which many of us have become accustomed; instead, I consider it an example of the wealth that can be generated by globalization.

A wealth that can be realized by offering the immigrant dignity and the opportunity for human development for a proactive integration, in contrast to exclusion. Inclusion, on the other hand, cannot mean moving a little to make room for the other, for any other. It me- ans building with reason a framework of human values, a framework of the common good and within this framework ma- king room for those who share it, even if they are of a different religion or culture. Without this, there is no real inclusion.

This task is eminently political and poli- ticians who wish to exempt themselves from it, limiting themselves to acceptan- ce without inclusion, do not play their role adequately. I hope that every religious and non religious communicator, Muslim or otherwise, will feel committed to being an untiring peacemaker and a strenuous defender of the dignity of a human being and his inalienable rights. Last but not least, I hope that the persons responsible for the communication of the Holy See will ensure that the good inten- tions exchanged at the highest level, whi- ch remain truly high without reaching the people, are published and circulated in the Islamic media, both radio and print.