Popoli –  09/1994

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UN – Population Conference, Cairo

Parish Bulletin

One of our parishioners, born in Egypt of Syrian-Lebanese parents of Catholic faith and profound knowledge of the Arab world, participated as an observer on behalf of some publishers in the recent “International Conference on Population and Development” held in Cairo. He reported these interesting impressions that we offer to our readers’ attention.

Cairo, September 1994.

Impressions of an Observer

The UN recognizing the growing interdependence between world population, development and the environment has called for an “Inter National Conference on Population and Development” to adopt appropriate macro / socio-economic policies to promote growth in the context of population problems. In essence, to trace the fundamental lines in order to contain the demographic growth of the next 20 years in the world.

Three thousand five hundred delegates from 182 countries, five thousand members of four hundred non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and three thousand eight hundred journalists intervened in Cairo, around fifteen thousand in all, including the logistics with equally active security personnel

The Conference was an opportunity to verify the enormous difference in mentality that exists between economically more developed countries and the rest of the world. The former come from a long history of socio-economic, demographic and military revolutions and consume 75% of the world resources available, even though they represent only 20% of the world population.

In their eyes, the third world is guilty of developing insufficient economic resources to sustain its demographic growth, and thereby cause unbridled emigration to relatively “rich” countries. The first version of the document presented to the delegates proposed, in practice, to reduce the birth rate growth of the population in developing countries using for this purpose, a large part of the economic aid approved as a lever to incentivize the poorest people to conform to this understanding. Many delegates of the developing countries indicated that they will apply the decisions of the Conference only if they are compatible with their traditions, culture and religions.


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Popoli – 05/1994

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Treated as foreigners at home, discriminated against in their rights, Christian minorities in Muslim countries are regaining awareness of their rich contribution to the construction of Arab civilization, which cannot be identified with Islam at all.
According to the Koran, men are divided into three categories: Muslims, people of the book ( both Jews and Christians), and others.
In the Middle East, Christian Arabs have often been wrongly assimilated to the West by their Muslim fellow citizens. The harmful consequences to which this erroneous identification between Christianity and the West in the Arab countries are obvious.
One of the causes of this phenomenon can be found in the fact that in these areas, in the last 150 years, a large part of the economy has been in the hands of local Christian and Jewish minorities, and during this period foreigners emigrated to the Middle East from the West.
“With the advent of independence, the indigenous middle class moved to neighborhoods that were previously inhabited mainly by Europeans, and immigrants from the countryside headed for those neighborhoods that they left free, or in new neighborhoods. In both cases There was a change in habits and ways of life: the middle class began to live in a way that was formerly typical of foreign residents, and rural immigrants adopted the way of life of the urban poorer classes. they lived mostly as Europeans did, in houses of the same type and dressed in clothes of the same type … “(Albert Hourani, History of the Arab peoples, Arnoldo Mondadori, 1991, p. 383).


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6-1994 – Italian Tourist Press Group

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Congress: M.O. which tourism – Analysis of a geopolitical reality and the role of information

Mediterranean and demographic imbalance

The evolution of the demographic situation on the two shores of the Mediterranean follows two different trends: immediately after the Second World War the population on the northern shore of the Mediterranean basin was about twice that of the southern basin, North Africa and the Middle East; today, after 50 years, the proportion has become 1: 1. Demographic development, accompanied by a widening gap in terms of economic development, exposes the wealthier and older Western population to a “peaceful” invasion by of peoples very distant culturally with different customs, traditions and traditions, raised in countries that do not separate religion from the state system and where freedom of religious choice is not allowed to remain personal. It is expected that the trend of the imbalance between the two geographical areas will tend to assume dramatic characteristics in the near future. The West’s temptation would be to raise a wall to protect it from invasion and to give up thinking of a common universal destiny in the name of peace and justice. The demographic increase in the developing world combined with the rapidity of communications allows peoples, even the most distant from each other, to weave relationships at all levels of human action.


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POPOLI 12-1994

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We gladly offer clarifications, proposed by one of our parishioners, Giuseppe Samir Eid (*), a Christian of Arab origin, concerning some very current terms and concepts on the problems with Islam.

Do I know Islam?
Islam: indicates total submission to the will of Allah, Supreme Being (Akbar, without associates) and acceptance of his decrees understood as shariah. Some Islamic schools deny that the God understood by Christians, Trinity, is the same as Allah, adored by Muslims.
Quran: Qura’an is the word of Allah transmitted by the prophet Muhammad. Muhammad.
Sunna: it is the collection of what Muhammad said, done or accepted – his life example.


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