Notes 1998
The editor of a Saudi publication recently wrote: not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims; massacres against children and civilians are perpetrated in the name of God (Allah) the Merciful Clement. Already in 2002, the most famous Muslim religious leaders justified the martyrdom actions of the mujàhidìn, finding their foundation in the Koran and in the tradition of the prophet. The daily events of the war in progress increasingly report that the control of the population remains with the ulemas and the immams of the mosques; they have become the privileged interlocutors of the western governments. It is clear that the fight against religious fundamentalism can only be won with the contribution that the Muslim religious leaders in the Arab countries could give, and all the means should be adopted by the countries concerned to obtain their adhesion. The various public initiatives of dialogue undertaken by Christian organizations in the West can only bear fruit if they are replicated in Islamic countries. It is essential that the The EU must also ensure that the path of dialogue is followed in Islamic, Arab and non-Arab countries.