

Encounter of civilizations Bari – 1/05-2006

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The first diaspora stretches from the first centuries of Christianity until the 8th century, but does not present the characteristics of flight that it has today, but with the aim of spreading the Christian faith.

Evangelization spread from Syria to the western shores of the Mediterranean and even to the Far East.

A point of reference for these missionary undertakings was the Church of Antioch, a city in which the Apostle Paul stayed and which became a point of reference for the preparation of evangelization.

Under Arab rule, communications between the Eastern and Western worlds were almost nil; it was only at the time of the Ottoman Empire that local migrations took place to escape a governor who exaggerated in his persecutory zeal, even if emigration was still minimal.


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Note che accompagnano la conferenza in Interclub del R.C Milano Sud-Est e R.C. Milano Cà Granda del Distretto 2040.
Informazioni tratte dal libro dello stesso autore, Cristiani e musulmani verso il 2000 una convivenza possibile, Figlie di San Paolo, Milano, 1995 recensito da Monsignore Gianfranco Ravasi.

L’instabilità del Medio Oriente accompagnata dall’odio diffuso contro l’Occidente sono risultati i principali alimenti del terrorismo islamico, fonte di pericolo non soltanto per gli USA ma per tutto l’Occidente e per gli stessi governi dell’area mediterranea. Una popolazione araba frustrata nelle sue aspirazioni in termini di educazione, assistenza sociale, sanitaria, prosperità, sarebbe facile preda del disordine politico, continuando a rappresentare una minaccia per la stabilità della regione e del mondo. Inoltre, la presenza maggioritaria di terroristi di nazionalità saudita ha scosso la fiducia degli USA verso l’alleato di ferro, principale fornitore di greggio ma pur sempre finanziatore dei movimenti islamici avversi al modo di vivere occidentale.


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1/08 -2008

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Dear Dr. Romano,

There are difficulties invisible to Westerners that drive Christians to emigrate to the West. Ten million in the last century! A figure even published by Magdi Cristiano Allam. I follow your column closely and I am saddened by the fact that with your diplomatic language you avoid the essence of the problem and the examples you mention do not reflect reality. I understand that your contacts remain at a certain level that does not reflect the substance that would come to light if you were allowed contact with the people concerned. The presence of churches built for the most part in pre-war time hides social oppression and discriminatory laws in force. One for everything:

There is a ban on the construction of temples and churches in Egypt, except after having fulfilled 10 conditions that are difficult to implement. An edict by Caliph Omar 639 A.D. still regulates relations between Muslims and Christians and the permission to build Christian places of worship. A decree issued by the Ministry of the Interior in Egypt in February 1934 cited the 10 requirements to be able to issue a building permit. Repairing the boundary wall of a church requires the authorization of the President of the Republic; however, in most cases the prohibitions are deflected by the good will of local officials but always susceptible to blackmail. Religious worship must in any case remain discreet.


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Rotarian Values – 8/11 – 2008

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In recent decades values understood as the dignity of the human being have undergone a clear evolution from a situation of rigid imposition to a situation of freer choice through a work of inculturation of society.

In fact, in the patriarchal society from which I come, values were prescribed without any possibility of objection. After the World War, with the Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 by the UN enunciating the evolution of the values of our world, the attention shifted towards respect for the rights of the human being as such. The enormous progress of science has also had the effect of making us question the position of the human being who should be given precedence in the choices of society because it has been realised that technology in the wrong hands could lead to a threat to man.


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