FAX – 17/9/2006

(Leggi la versione sfogliabile)

A proposito delle “vignette”
La chiarezza di Magdi Allam va incoraggiata in tutti modi:esprime quello che molti pensano ma pochi dicono ad alta voce; ragione per la quale è sotto tiro proprio da parte di quelli che si sentono in colpa: sono i musulmani che negano il dato di fatto storico e che ignorano il contenuto spirituale del corano. La storia continua a ripetersi. A mio parere soltanto un ferma presa di posizione del proprio convincimento culturale e dell’identità propria ci faranno rispettare da i nostri “avversari”. Senza tentennamenti e senza scuse. Anzi, sono convinto che molti intellettuali dei paesi arabi avrebbero sottoscritto le verità storiche dichiarate dal papa Ratzinger, ma non possono farlo apertamente: non tutti hanno la voglia di vivere sotto scorta.
In conclusione: da ricordare che il papa è a capo di uno stato con relazioni diplomatiche con quasi tutti gli stati del mondo, la sua struttura diplomatica dovrebbe pretendere da i rispettivi governi le pubbliche smentite da parte dei predicatori di odio che hanno aizzato gli animi contro persone inerme e infangato un capo di stato minacciandolo di morte. farlo sapere.
Domando: a) quale è stato l’atteggiamento dei nostri politici europei? B) quale interesse avrebbe avuto il prestigioso New York Times ad accendere il fuoco?

La verità della storia
Articolo coraggioso che mette in risalto l’ignoranza di molti personaggi che fanno dichiarazioni che infiammano i popoli semplicemente sul sentito dire oppure senza approfondire i pensieri basandosi sui titoli dei giornali. Almenoche alcuni in malafede vogliano farsi scudo di qualsiasi pretesto per erigersi a detentore della verità. Sarebbe interessante conoscere le reazioni dei media arabi sul rifiuto della motivazione religiosa della violenza. Mi auspico che le apprensioni di Magdi Allam non si realizzino.
Propongo di dare risalto sul Corriere a queste reazioni da parte degli intellettuali musulmani che fanno audience:
“E mi spaventa constatare che anche i cosiddetti musulmani moderati hanno rinunciato al senno della ragione e si siano allineati alla “guerra santa” di cui loro saranno le principali vittime”.


Domenica 1 ottobre 2006, 20.30
Dear Galal:

I have received the article you sent me from Chief al azhar which I read while in Egypt. While in Egypt i read regularly al Ahram and the daily comments from moslem intellectuals about the speech of Pope Benedict XVI’s.
A day later this week I was struck by Mohamed Salmawy comment of, I did not keep the papers, that he found writers of high profile who wrote their attacks on the Pope based on “entendu dire” or on extracts from other journals. None of them read the original text fully! I found that very childish and a superficial way to educate the readers, knowing how students and others are influenced by religious leaders.
Galal, I am not familiar with theology, esegesi or philosophy, neither is English my mother tongue, but I am able though to summarize my understanding of the Pope speech as follows:
The context of the speech is high academical; free to express his opinion although not acceptable to many people but still free to express his belief without fear of retaliation. Although he subsequently explained in simpler words his thinking, he received increased attacks from “offended” Islam: threats, demonstrations, burning in effigy, governments demanding retractions, the recall of ambassadors, churches burned, a religious sister killed, arab Christians denigrated, examples are numerous, etc… .
This freedom of expression is repeatedly retaliated by the arab world under the cover of “religious offense” and mobs moved by national institutions, leaders etc. only too glad to find a pretext to accuse somebody else for their own weaknesses.
I did not find in al ahram or publicity made to the explanations given by the pope to the ambassadors from the arableague, except that al ahram cited the council of ulemas as still requiring and excuse.
In reality, a major part of Benedict XVI’s lecture was addressed to the Christian world, which in his view are so have lost the “fear of God.” But here as well the pope’s words found their confirmation in the facts. Hand in hand with the swell of verbal and physical violence on the part of Muslims, on the other side, the pope was the target of criticism from Christian area.
Freedom of creed and religious practice and adherence: this does not exist in the Arabic world, except in Lebanon. All citizens have not the same rights and duties under one country law: non Moslems have a different legal treatment, I add, same between women and men.
During my attendance in Cairo at the world Conference on population in 1994, the Vatican had closer views on bioethics and family values with Moslem representatives rather with the Occident countries. Links between Christian and Moslem leaders started to be tight and no offence is intended. It is unfortunate that no moslem leader speak high against violences perpetrated on the basis of religion when such is being perpetrated.
Killing in the name of Allah is another point raised by the pope . The dialogue with Islam that he wants to create is not made of fearful silences and ceremonial embraces. It is not made of mortifications which, in the Muslim camp, are interpreted as acts of submission. He proposes to the Muslims that they separate violence from faith, as prescribed by the Qur’an itself.
He proposes to the Muslims that they separate violence from faith, as prescribed by the Qur’an itself; John Paul II, who prayed humbly in Assisi together Muslim mullahs, and when visiting the Umayyad mosque in Damascus listened in silence to the invectives his hosts hurled against the perfidious Jews. No fatwa was issued for the slitting of Karol Wojtyla’s throat. It was a mere coincidence that Ali Agca, who shot him, was a Muslim – and that all terrorists as I call them are Moslem. Although they do not represent islam of course, but disclaimers by religious leaders are not being publicized, that I know.
Reason and religious belief: this covers a large part of the conference but I am not in a position to discuss as outside my intellectual capacity
I submit a comment I read that “Benedict XVI is hopeful. He would not have been so daring if he did not believe in the real possibility that an interpretation of the Qur’an that marries faith with reason and freedom can be reopened within Islamic thought. (reading Qoran in today’s context) But the voices in the Muslim world that are accepting his offer of dialogue are too weak and too few, and almost not to be found. And the pope is too much alone in a wayward Europe. And then there is the violence that hangs over Christians in Islamic countries, and also outside of them – when, to silence the pope, members of his flock are killed, and all the better if they are innocent, like a religious sister, a woman.”

Dear Galal :
I am grateful to yr mail as it obliged me to reflect and to think over a major problem of this century. But people like us who know rather well both sides of the Mediterranean sea can help to eliminate the misunderstandings. I am convinced that the core of the spirit of the Pope, other than the philosophy, could be summarized into a friendly voice to Moslem leaders to exchange opinion with full reciprocal respect about:
freedom to express his opinion, Freedom of creed and religious practice and adherence, bioethics and family values, Killing in the name of Allah no offence is being intended.
Please feel free to circulate this message to whom you think useful and also to the writers mentioned in this message.

As a conclusion I report what M.Salmawy has written:

L’essentiel n’est pas de savoir si un fou ou non a commis les attentats d’Alexandrie. Le fou est une personne qui laisse libre cours à ses pulsions déraisonnables. Mais malheureusement, les motifs malades qui ont conduit le criminel à commettre son acte ne sont pas propres à lui. Ils sont répandus chez les membres de notre société, enracinés par l’enseignement religieux vétuste, enseigné de longues années et cristallisé par la suite par nos médias ignorants. Tout ceci a été confirmé par l’actuel message religieux vétuste de notre institution religieuse. Agirons-nous différemment cette fois-ci, ou nous contenterons-nous, une fois de plus, d’arrêter le criminel et de dire qu’il est déséquilibré, pour finalement classer l’affaire ? Comme toujours

Samir Eid Raccolte

Intendono fornire gli strumenti per una inclusione sociale del flusso migratorio, gettare una luce sui diritti umani e la condizione di vita dei cristiani nel mondo islamico da cui proviene l’autore.La conoscenza dell’altro, delle diversità culturali e religiose sono ingredienti primari per creare la pace nei cuori degli uomini ovunque, premessa per una serena convivenza e convinta cittadinanza sul territorio.

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